ROSVET KUBANThe distributor of Vethellas’s products in Russia


Although the company ROSVET KUBAN, does not belong to the VETHELLAS Group, acts as the exclusive distributor of Vethellas's products in Russia. It is located in the region of Krasnodar, southern Russia and has two production units of feed in the region.

The main activity of the company is the supply of Russian livestock enterprises, with high quality nutritional and pharmaceutical products ( premixes and w/s ) for swine, poultry and cattle, as well as with final feed and concentrates for swine and poultry. Visit our website


What we offer

The company offers a wide range of products suitable for fodder, characterized by the adaptability of their participation in the final feed, depending on the animal nutritional requirements of each breeding unit. This fact provides flexibility in preparing rations.



The Rosvet Kuban strategy aims to achieve a high efficiency of animals and birds with lower production costs. Our company's experts monitor the animal population of each unit and provide consulting services in all areas (preparation of rations, veterinary care, unit management, proposals for optimizing the operation of the units).